Interface symantec.itools.db.beans.jdbc.event.SQLAdapterEventListener
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Interface symantec.itools.db.beans.jdbc.event.SQLAdapterEventListener

public interface SQLAdapterEventListener
extends EventListener

1.0 09/09/98
Hristo Tonev

Method Index

 o afterExecute(SQLAdapterEvent)
This method will be fired after the SQLAdapted execute() method is called.
 o beforeExecute(SQLAdapterEvent)
This method will be fired before the SQLAdapted execute() method is called.


 o afterExecute
public abstract void afterExecute(SQLAdapterEvent evt)
This method will be fired after the SQLAdapted execute() method is called.

See Also:
SQLAdapterEvent, getType, isResultSetCreated
 o beforeExecute
public abstract void beforeExecute(SQLAdapterEvent evt)
This method will be fired before the SQLAdapted execute() method is called.

See Also:
SQLAdapterEvent, getType, isResultSetCreated

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